Saturday, May 5, 2012

Nothing beats the smell of wet sand

Nothing beats the smell of wet sand, and the feel of gentle early morning breeze, that brings the hope of a new day. This experience is precious it is just exotic. It is so gripping that if there were no summers, no humidity, how could we ever be grateful for the cool breeze and pleasant weather. A sip of water is divine for a person who is thirsty. Will he relish the savor of water if his throat never went dry?
These minute, unobserved details just blow up my mind and leave me wondering about the acuity of the Creator. It just doesn’t fit in my tiny brain. He has a reason for everything He does, everything that happens in nature. Our logic, arguments become futile in front of the Heavenly intervention.
Job 28.23-27 says:
  God understands the way to it
    and he alone knows where it dwells,  for he views the ends of the earth  

   and sees everything under the heavens.
 When he established the force of the wind
    and measured out the waters,
 when he made a decree for the rain   

  and a path for the thunderstorm,
 then he looked at wisdom and appraised it;
    he confirmed it and tested it.
Reading this, I get a shrinking feeling. I wonder if I know God or do I just know about Him. How insignificant I am, compared to His personality, thoughts, actions and His very being.
I was just looking around, when I saw this beautiful flower. This is Evening Primrose. It lives for just one day and I literally mean that. I do not think that the even the President’s wife might have worn a dress as beautiful as this diminutive short-lived flower.

Mathew 6.28-29 says
See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

I am filled with awe for the Almighty. I gasp at his greatness and grandeur. His name be lifed high and above.